Prof. Dr. Norbert Gutknecht a studiat medicina şi stomatologia la Universitatea din Bochum, Florenţa şi Aachen. În 1995, în urma unor cercetări din SUA bazate pe terapia cu laserul stomatologic, a fost distins cu titlul de Master in Application of Nd:YAG Lasers in Dentistry în Phoenix, AZ.

În 1998 a fost numit profesor la Departamentul de Stomatologie Conservativă, Parodontală şi Preventivă de la RWTH Aachen University. Prof. Dr. Gutknecht este director Aachen Dental Laser Center (AALZ), precum şi director ştiinţific al M.Sc. În plus, el este şi preşedintele Societății
Germane pentru laser stomatologic (DGL) şi directorul executiv al Federaţiei Mondiale pentru laser în stomatologie (WFLD).

Positions at RWTH Aachen University

Dep. Director of the Department of Restorative Dentistry
Director of the „Aachen Dental Laser Center” called AALZ
Scientific Director of the Academic Postgraduate Master Program:
„Master of Science – Lasers in Dentistry” at the RWTH Aachen University

Positions in other Universitys:

Visiting Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brasil, Postgraduate Education
Visiting Professor at the University of Nice, France, Postgraduate Education
Visiting Professor at the University of Salt Lake City, USA, Postgraduate Education
Visiting Professor at the University of Rom, Italy, Postgraduate Education

Positions in scientific organisations:

President of the DGL, German Society of Laser Dentistry
President of the WFLD, the World Federation for Laser Dentistry
Member of the program committee for the SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering in San Jose, USA
Honorary President of the GSLD the Greek Society for Laser Dentistry
Board Member of the SGLZ, the Swiss Society for Laser Dentistry
Board Member of the German Dental Association
Board Member of the European Medical Laser Association

Editor of Sientific Journals:

Editor-in-Chief : „Laser in Medical Science2 Springer, London, UK,
Editor-in-Chief : „International Magazine of laser dentistry” Oemus Media AG Leipzig, Germany
Editorial Board member: „Photomedicine and LASER Surgery” Mary Ann Libert, Inc Publishers USA.

Author of Books and Publications

Prof. Gutknecht is author of the books
„Lasertherapy in dental practice”, Quintessenz, Berlin 1999
„Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop of Evidence Based Dentistry on Lasers in Dentistry”, Quintessenz, Berlin 2007.

Author of more then 130 publications in dental laser science in international Journals

Since 1993 he performed more then 500 laser workshops all over the world.